(St.) Audoen

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

At the north corner of Eldenese Lane (Warwick Lane), in Farringdon Ward Within (S. 345). The parish extended into Castle Baynard Ward.

First mention: " Parochia sancti Audoeni," c. 1220 (MS. D. and C. St. Paul's, Press A. Box 22, 867).

Other forms and names : " St. Audoen within Neugate," 1396 (Ct. H.W. II. 321). " St Audewin within Neuwegate," 1361 (ib. 44). " St. Andoem," 1569 (Lond. I. p.m. II. 121). " St Ouen," 1220 (H. MSS. Com. 9th Rep. p. 23). " St. Owyn," 1322 (Ct. H.W. I. 296). " St. Owan within Neugate," 1349-50 (Ct. H.W. I. 628). " Seynt Iweyne," 1374 (ib. ii. 162). " Sancti Owini, St. Iwyn," 1385 (Cal. P.R. Rich. II. 1385-9, p. 50). " St. Ewenna, 1542 (L. and P. H. VIII. XVII. 393). " St. Edwin," 1543 (ib. XVIII. (2), p. 60).

Ewin is the same saint as Owen or Audowen called " Sancti Audoeni juxta fratres minores " (Strype, ed. 1720, I. iii. 193). " Seint Ewen." " Owyn wtin Newgate " (Arnold's Chronicles, pp. 77 and 253). " Seynt Yeuan " (Fabyan's Chr. p. 296).

There was a fraternity of St. Anne in the church (Strype, ed. 1720, I. iii. 193).

After the dissolution of the monasteries, temp. H. VIII., and the suppression of the Greyfriars monastery, the parishes of St. Nicholas Shambles, St. Audoen, and St. Sepulchre within Newgate were united to form the parish of Christ Church, Newgate (q.v.).

The parish church of St. Audoen was granted to the mayor and citizens, 38 H. VIII. (L. and P.H. VIII. XXI. (2), p. 416).