(St.) Augustine Watling Street

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

On the north side of Watling Street and east of Old Change, at No.32 in Farringdon Ward Within (P.O. Directory).

Earliest mention: " St. Augustine," 1148 (H. MSS. Corn. 9th Rep. p. 63).

" By this deed, the canons of St. Paul granted the Church of St. Augustine to Edward the priest for his life, for payment of 20 solidi in each of the first six years for building the church and afterwards for one mark of silver every year. The bounds of the parish are formed by the ' mansura ' of Alured de Windresores, Nicholas Parv and Hugo le Noreis."

Other forms of name : " St. Augustine's Church before the gate of St. Paul's " (temp. John, Anc. Deeds, A. 1966). " St. Augustine by St. Paul's Churchyard," 35 H. III. (ib. A. 1605). " Sci augustini ppe sanctum Paulum " (MSS. D. and C. St. Paul's, Lib. L. f. 93), 1285. " Sancti Augustini ad Portam " 31 Edward I. (Lib. Cust. I. 228). " St. Augustine at St. Paul's Gate," 1298 (Ct. H.W. I. 136). " St. Augustine near St. Paul's Gate," 1309 (Ct. H.W. I. 209). " St. Augustine by Distaflane," 20 Edward II. (Cal. P.R. Edward II. 1324-7, p. 321). " St. Augustine by side of St. Paul's Gate," 19 Edward III. L. Bk. F. p.132). " St. Augustine in le Eldechaunge," 1352-3 (Ct. H.W. I. 668). " St. Augustine next Oldfyssh stret," 41 Edward III. (Ch. I. p.m.). " St. Augustine near le Eldechaunge," 1373 (ib. II. 154). " Sancti Augustini pvi," 34 Edward III. (WestAbbey MSS. Parcel 44 (12) temp. Rich. II. " St. Augustine by the door of St. Paul's," 6 H. IV. (Anc. Deeds, C. 1722). " St. Augustin in Watlying Strete bi Poules Gate," 1500-21 (Arnold's Chronicle, p. 247). " St. Austin by St. Paul's," 2 Edward IV. (Anc. Deeds, C. 35).

In 31-32 H. III. Alexander le Cordewaner made a grant of land to the church on the north side for the enlargement of the church and for the erection of an altar in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary (H. MSS. Com. 9th Rep. p. 3).

Lately well repaired (S. 325). Partly rebuilt and beautified 1630-1. Burnt in the Fire and rebuilt 1682-95 (Strype, ed. 1720, I. iii. 140). St. Faith's Parish united to it (ib. 197). Restored 1829.

A Rectory. Patrons : Canons of St. Paul's.

It seems probable that the dedication is to St. Augustine of Canterbury, and it is noteworthy that the church so dedicated stood near to the church dedicated to St. Gregory the Great, to whose inspiration and determination the Anglican Church is indebted for the mission of St. Augustine.

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