A tenement so called in Candlewick Street in parish of St. Mary Ab-Church, mentioned several times in the 14th century (Ct. H.W. I. 312, 367, 424, and II 121, 340).
There was a Thomas de Caponeshorse, a bureller and weaver in 1278 (Cal. L. Bk. B. p. 276), a juror in ward of Thomas de Basing, 3 Ed. I. (Rot. Hund. I. 421), who may have resided here and belonged to the Fraternity of Burellers (q.v.)
A tenement called "Litelcaponhors" stood in Candelwikstrete at the corner of Abecherchelane in parish of St. Mary de Abecherche in 1327 belonging to John Lucas (Ct. H.W. I. 323). The two tenements were probably identical.