The Horse Mill

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

Tenement called "le Horsmylle" in Graschirchstrete in parish of St. Peter upon Cornhulle granted to Henry Frowyk the Mayor, in view of the public granary proposed to be erected by Simon Eyre at Ledenhalle, 1444-5 (Cal. L. Bk. K. p. 313).

Stow says it was given to St. Peter's Cornhill in the 13th century (S. 196), and was given for the enlarging of Leadenhall, 1444 (S. 155).

In the Endowed Charities Report (1902), relating to St. Dunstan in the East, it is stated that this tenement was granted to the parson and churchwardens of St. Dunstan's by Wm. Barrett in 1408 and by them to the Mayor and Aldermen in 1444 (p. 2), in exchange for which the parish received an annuity of £4.

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