Merchant Taylors' School

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

On the east side of Suffolk Lane, in Dowgate Ward (O.S. 1880).

First mention: Founded 1561 by the master, wardens and assistants of the Merchant taylers (S. 239).

Burnt down in the Fire 1666 and rebuilt (Strype, ed. 1720, I. ii. 208).

Stood on the site of the Manor of the Rose (q.v.), a portion of which property was purchased by Richard Botyl, merchant tailor, for the Co. 1561. This purchase included the west gatehouse, a long court or yard, stairs, galleries and part of the chapel (Wilson, 193).

Removed to the Charterhouse 1873-5 (O.S. 1894).

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