Primrose Street

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

West out of Bishopsgate (P.O. Directory) In Bishopsgate Ward Without, extending beyond the City boundary into Shoreditch.

Not many houses, the greater part of the street being taken up with the bridge over the North London Railway lines.

First mention: Rocque, 1746.

Former names: " Primrose Alley" (O. and M. 1677-Strype, 1720).

In 1562 the site consisted of a great messuage and 22 gardens formerly belonging to Sir Martin Bowes and devised to the Goldsmiths' Company for the relief of the Ward of Langbourne from payment. of the fifteenths to the King. Some of the property, then Nos. 25 to 35 Primrose Streor, was sold in 1870 and the money invested in Consols (Ct. H.W. II. 679).

Probably named after the owner or builder.

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