La Riole

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

A tenement and afterwards a street. In the parishes of St. Michael Paternosterchurch and St. Thomas Apostles, in Vintry Ward.

Street identified with College Hill (q.v.).

First mention of tenement: All the tenement in London called La Ryole" which Thomas Bat gave by charter to Simon de Beauveys for 360 marks, 5 Ed. 1.1276 (Cal. Ch. Rolls, II. 202).

First mention of street : " la Ryole," 1303-4 (Ct. H.W. I. 161). " la Riole," 13 Ed. II. (Cal. L. Bk. E. p.117). "la Reol," 4 Ed. III. (Cal. P.R. Ed. III. 1330-4, p.37). "le Royall," 34 H. VI. (Anc. Deeds, A. 9048). " Royall Strete " (S. 241).

The King's houses in" la Reol "were granted to Q. Phillippa for life for her wardrobe, 4 Ed. III. 1331 (Cal. P.R. Ed. III. 1330-4, p.37).

Named from the town of "la Reole" near Bordeaux, from whence the merchants imported their wine as early as 1282 (Cal. L. Bk. A. p.49).

See College Hill and Tower Royal.