Waetmundes Stone

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

In a grant by King Aelfred and Ethelred to the Bishop and Church of Worcester in 889, mention is made of an enclosure at an ancient stone building in London called "aet Hpætmundes Stane a civibus appellatur a strata publica usque murum ejusdem civitatis. Cujus longitudo est perticarum xxvj et latitudo in superiori parte perticarum xiij et pedum vij et in inferiori loco perticarum xj and vj pedum" (Birch, Cart. Sax. II. 200; Kemble, Cod. Dip. II. 118; Thorpe, Dip. Ang. 135).

Marked with an asterisk in Kemble and Thorpe as though of doubtful authenticity.

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