- Ingram Court
- Inkhorne Court, Petticoat Lane
- Innage Lane
- Inner Temple
- Inner Temple Gate
- Inner Temple Hall
- Inner Temple Lane
- Innholders' Hall
- Inns of Chancery
- Inns of Court
- Insurance Office, Birchin Lane
- Ipres Inne
- Ipswich Arms Inn
- Ireland Court
- Ireland Yard
- Iren on the Hope
- Irish Court
- Iron Wharf
- Irongate
- Irongate and St. Katherine's Steam Wharf
- Irongate Stairs
- Irongate Wharf
- Ironmonger Lane
- Ironmongers' Company
- Ironmongers' Hall
- Ironmongery
- Iryshe Rents
- Isaac's Rents
- Isaiks Rents
- Ismonger, Ismongeres Lane
- Italian Merchants
- Ivy Hall
- Ivy Lane
- (St.) Iweyne
- Jack Alley, Bow Lane
- Jackanape's Row
- Jackson's Buildings
- Jackson's Court
- Jacob and his Twelve Sons Inn
- Jacob's Well Alley
- Jacob's Well Passage
- Jamaica Coffee House
- (St.) James' by the Thames
- (St.) James Comyns
- (St.) James' Court
- (St.) James' Duke's Place
- (St.) James' Garlickhithe
- (St.) James' in the Temple
- (St.) James' in the Wall Hermitage
- (St.) James' in Walbrook
- (St.) James' in, near the Vintry
- (St.) James' Place
- (St.) James' Place, Aldgate
- (St.) James' super ripam
- Jasper Street
- Jeffrey's Square
- Jelly Alley
- Jennings' Rents
- Jericho Yard
- Jerusalem Alley
- Jerusalem Coffee-House
- Jerusalem Court
- Jesus' Chapel
- Jesus' Commons
- Jesus' Steeple, Chapel
- Jewel Office
- Jewin Court
- Jewin Crescent
- Jewin Street
- The Jewry
- Jewry Street
- Jewry, St. Katherine's
- Jews' Almshouses
- Jews' Garden
- Jews' Harp Court
- Jews' Synagogue, Church Row
- Jews' Synagogue, Duke Street
- Jews' Synagogue, Heneage Lane
- (St.) John Baptist, Chapel of
- (St.) John Colchester (Abbey of)
- (St.) John in the White Tower
- (St.) John Sacre
- (St.) John the Baptist
- (St.) John the Baptist, Walbrook
- (St.) John the Evangelist
- (St.) John Walbrook
- (St.) John Watling Street
- (St.) John Zachary
- (St.) John, Fraternity of
- John Baptist Court
- John Carpenter Street
- John de Vere's Yard
- John Street
- (St.) John's Alley
- (St.) John's Chapel in the Tower
- John's Court
- (St.) John's passage
- (St.) John's Street
- John's Court, East Smithfield
- John's Court, Somerset Street