- Warwick Inn
- Warwick Lane
- Warwick Square
- Watch House
- Watch House, Barbican
- Watch House, Bishopsgate
- Watch House, Minories
- Water Bearers
- Water House Wharf
- Water House, London Bridge
- Water Lane
- Water Lane, Blackfriars
- Water Side
- Water Street
- Water Supply of London
- Water Works, London Bridge
- Waterbearers' Hall
- Watergate, Castle Baynard
- Watergate, Tower Ward
- Wateringplace, Castle Baynard
- Waterman's Alley
- Waterman's Lane
- Watermen Hall
- Watermen's and Lightermen's Hall
- Waterton's Alley
- Watling Street
- Watson's Wharf
- Watter Cook Alley
- Watter Street
- Watt's Rents
- Wauncelines Lane
- Wax Chandlers' Hall
- La Wayhouse
- Wdstrate
- Weatmoreland Court, Passage, Aldersgate Street
- Weavers' Company
- Weavers' Hall
- Le Webbeloft
- Webbes, Fraternity of
- Weeden's Rents
- The Weigh House, Eastcheap
- Weigh House Yard, Cornhill
- Weigh House Yard, Eastcheap
- Weigh House, Cornhill
- The Welcheman
- Weld Close
- Weld Court, Queen Street
- Le Welhouse
- Well Alley
- Well Close
- Well Court
- Well Court, Alley
- Well Street
- Well Yard
- Wellclose Square
- Le Wellehous
- Wellewarf
- (River of) Wells
- Wenches Yard
- Wendageynes Lane, Wendayenes Lane, Farringdon Street
- Wendegaynelane
- Wendegoslane
- (St.) Werhurgh
- Wesleyan Centenary Hall and Missionary Sooiety
- Le West
- West Alley
- West and Cove's Wharf
- West Fish Street
- West Harding Street
- West Smithfield
- West Smithfield, Prior and Convent of
- West Street
- West Watergate
- Westcheap
- Westharden Street
- Westminster Hall Court
- Westmoreland Alley
- Westmoreland Buildings
- Westmoreland Court
- Westoneslane
- Weston's Rents
- Westrate
- Westsmithfield Tower
- Westwherf
- Whalebone Court
- Whalebone Court, Bow Lane
- Whalebone Passage
- Wharf of Nicholas de la Garderobe
- Wharton's Court
- Wheat sheaf Alley
- Wheatsheaf Alley
- Wheatsheaf Brewhouse
- Wheatsheaf Wharf
- Wheatsheaf Yard
- Wheeler's Alley, Yard
- Wheeler's Wharf
- Wheelwrights
- Whicheler's Yard
- Whillington Court
- Whipp's Alley