
A glossary of provincial and local words used in England by Francis Grose

will : " I shall do my list ;" and, verbially, " Let him if he list." Derb.

Related Words

  • List

    ·noun Inclination; desire. II. List ·vt To listen or hearken to. III. List ·noun The first thin co...

    Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

  • list

    A roll of names, as the army and navy lists; but usually at sea it means the doctor's list. Also, th...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • White list

    ·add. ·- The official list of all transactions, published daily on white paper, divided into sales f...

    Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

  • advance-list

    The register by which two months' wages to the crew are paid, on first commission, and a quarter's t...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • allotment-list

    A document containing the requisite details, attested by the four signing officers, to be transmitte...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • alphabetical list

    This is a list which accompanies the ship's books; it contains the names and number of every person ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • black-list

    A record of misdemeanours impolitically kept by some officers for their private use the very essence...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • bounty-list

    A register of all persons who have received the bounty to which they are entitled after having passe...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • conduct-list

    A roll to accompany the tickets of all persons sent to a hospital for medical treatment; it details ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • convoy-list

    A return of the merchantmen placed under the protection of men-of-war, for safe conduct to their des...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • doctor's list

    The roll of those excused from duty by reason of illness. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • list, to

    To incline to one side; as "the ship has a list to port," i.e. leans over to that side. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • Lloyd's list

    A gazette, published formerly twice a week, but latterly daily, under the superintendence of a commi...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • open list

    One of a ship's books, which contains the whole of the names of the actual officers and crew, in ord...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • prize-list

    A return of all the persons on board, whether belonging to the ship, or supernumeraries, at the time...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • retired list

    A roll whereon deserving officers are placed whose health, age, or want of interest justifies their ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • list and receipt

    The official document sent with officers or men of any description, discharged from one ship to anot...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • removal from the list

    Dismission, or dropping an officer out of the service. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book