
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.

Mr. Pickering has noticed this word in his Vocabulary, and observes that it is sometimes, though rarely, used by American writers in the following manner: "He prevailed over his enemies by the counteraction (counteracting) of their designs."

No English lexicographer had then noticed the word. The dictionaries of Mr. Todd and Dr. Webster now contain it. The definition of the latter is, "Action in opposition; hindrance."

The beauties of writing are ... wholly subject to the imagination, and do not force their effects upon a mind preoccupied by unfavorable sentiments, nor overcome the counteraction of a false principle or of stubborn partiality.--Johnson, Rambler, No. 93.

All the eloquence and fire of Demosthenes could not rouse the Athenian people to a timely dread or steady counteraction of the formidable plans of Philip.--British Critic, Vol. I. p. 51.

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