
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.

1) Scurf; dandruff.

2) To get one's dander up, is to get into a passion.

This word is noticed in Barnes's Dorset Glossary. Halliwell says it is common in various English dialects.

The Department of State did not keep back the letters of Mr. Rives, in which he boasts that he had outwitted the French. Well, this sort of put up the dander of the French.--Crockett, Tour, p. 198.

As we looked at the immense strength of the Northumberland's mast, we could not help thinking that Neptune must have his dander considerably raised before he could carry it away.--N. Y. Com. Adv.

I felt my dander risin' when the impertinent cuss went and tuck a seat along side of Miss Mary, and she begun to smile and talk with him as pleasin' as could be.--Maj. Jones's Courtship, p. 77.

The fire and fury that blazed in her eye gave ocular evidence of her dander being up.--Pickings from the New Orleans Picayune, p. 163.

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