v. a. To supply with food. A Western sense of the word. Comp. Subsist.
Hooshier. Squire, what pay do you give?
Contractor. Ten bits a day.
Hooshier. Why, Squire, I was told you'd give us two dollars a day and eat us.--Pickings from the Picayune, p. 47.
·- of Eat. II. Eat ·vi To make one's way slowly. III. Eat ·vi To taste or relish; as, it eats like...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
To eat like a beggar man, and wag his under jaw; a jocular reproach to a proud man. To eat one's wor...
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
·vt To eat or prey upon, as a moth eats a garment. ...