Related Words
to walk the plank
This is an expression borrowed from the horrible practice of pirates, who, when they determine to de...
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
To lay; to put; generally applied to money; as, 'He planked down the cash.'
I've had to plank down handsome, and do the thing genteel, but Mr. landlord found he had no fool to deal with, neither.--S. Slick in England.
Why, says he, shell out, and plank down a pile of dollars.--Ibid.
During the last war he planked up more gold and silver to lend the government than Benton ever counted.--Crockett, Tour, p. 59.
This is an expression borrowed from the horrible practice of pirates, who, when they determine to de...
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.