
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.

No great shakes. Of no great value; little worth. Common in England and the United States.

I had my hands full, and my head too, just then [when he wrote to Marino Faliero], so it can be no great shakes.--Lord Byron to Murray.

Yit, if they their inquirations make,

In winter time some will

Condemn that place as no great shakes

Where folks ha' the cold chill.--Noakes and Styles, Essex Dialect.

Cousin Pete allowed he knowed he wasn't no great shakes all the time, and was makin' more noise than anybody else.--Maj. Jones's Courtship.

I have forgot what little Latin I learnt to night-school; and, in fact, I never was any great shakes at it.--Sam Slick, 3d Ser. ch. VII.


The fever and ague.

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