
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.

The parchment diploma received by students for taking their degree at college. In the back settlements are many clergymen who have not had the advantages of a liberal education, and who consequently have no diploma. Some of these look upon their more favored brethren with a little envy. A clergyman is said to have a sheepskin, or to be a sheepskin, when educated at college.

This apostle of ourn never rubbed his back agin a college, nor toted about no sheepskins--no, never ..... How you'd a perished in your sins, if the first preachers had stayed till they got sheepskins.--Carlton's New Purchase.

I can say as well as the best on them sheepskins, if you don't get religion and be saved, you'll be lost, tetotally and for ever. [Sermon of an itinerant preacher at a camp-meeting].--Ibid. Vol. I. p. 203.

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