
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.

Weak; slight; slender; feeble; worthless.--Worcester.

The church of Rome indeed was allowed to be the principal church. But why? Was it in regard to the succession to St. Peter? No, that was a slim excuse.--Barrow on the Pope's Supremacy.

Now how vain and slim are all these [arguments of fatalists], if compared with the solid and manly encouragement which our religion offers.--Killingbeck, Sermons, p. 376.

From this central spot, the condition of things is more apparent, and could Mr. Calhoun's friends see the truth, they might readily discover how slim was his chance for election.--Newspaper.

Gen. What! not homesick, are you?

Doolittle. I guess I be; for I feel pretty slim. But how to get hum is the devil on't, as Jack the sailor says.--D. Humphreys, The Yankee in England.

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