smart chance

Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.

1) A good opportunity; a fair chance. A vulgar expression.

He has a smart chance of getting a better character.--S. Slick in England, ch. 9.

Says I, "Friend Wolfe," for I seed there was a smart chance of a row, "play I wont."--S. Slick, 3d Ser. p. 117.

2) A good deal; a large quantity; large company; a great number. A singular expression used in the Southern and Western States, but never heard in the Eastern.--Sherwood's Georgia.

I don't pretend to say, stranger, what sort of cattle you have in your country, but I reckon there's a right smart chance of self-conceit among you Yankees.--Letter from the South, N. Y. Journ. of Com.

There's a smart chance of cigars there in the bar, stranger, if you'll try some of them, said one of the hooshiers.--Hoffman, Winter in the West.

We had a "smart chance" of snow on Thursday; it fell during the day to the depth of two inches, which makes a considerable snow-storm in this part of the world.--Wilmington, N. C. Commercial, Dec. 10.

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