
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.

'To feel streaked,' is to feel confused, alarmed.

I begun to feel streaked enough for our folks, when I see what was done on Boston Common.--Maj. Downing's Letters, p. 18.

Polly begun to look a little streaked.--May-day in New York, p. 49.

People felt considerable streaked [about the executions in Canada], in consequence of the rebellion in 1837.--Sam Slick, 3d Series.

Oh what a beautiful sight the ocean is when there aint no land in sight! There we was in a little shell at the mercy of them big waves, higher than father's barn. I never did feel so streaky and mean afore--talk of a grain of sand; why I felt like a starved speck of dust cut up into homœopathic doses for a child two minits old.--Hiram Bigelow, Letter in Family Companion.

Gen. Tell the truth--keep back nothing--I promised no harm shall happen you.

Dolittle. Oh, I'll tell all now--I won't stay to be hanged first. Oh,-- the good, gracions suzz! how streaked I feel all over!--D. Humphreys, The Yankee in England.

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