
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.

An expression often used in common conversation, denoting the utmost degree, excellence or perfection.--Todd's Johnson.

If you love operas those will be the most splendid in Italy; four tip-top voices; a new theatre.--Gray to West, Let. (1741).

Had I come a few minutes sooner, I might have heard Geeho Dobbin sung in a tip-top manner by the pimple-nosed spirit at the President's right elbow.--Goldsmith, Essays, p. 114.

Knowing as I'm a man of tip-top breeding,

That great folks drink no healths whilst they are feeding.--Peter Pindar, Bozzy and Piozzi.

At the Democratic meeting, held in New York, June 12th, 1848, to ratify the nomination of Gen. Cass for the Presidency, Gen. Houston, who addressed the meeting closed as follows:

I am, fellow citizens, exceedingly obliged to you for the notice you have extended to me, and am happy on turning round, to touch upon my friend Senator Bright, who is proud of being from Kentucky, proud of Virginia, and proud of New York. He is a tip-top half-horse, half-alligator, from Kentucky, and I recommended him to your keeping.--Report in N. Y. Herald, June 13, 1848.

To crown his accomplishments, Simon was tip-top at the game of 'old sledge,' which was the fashionable game of that era.--Simon Suggs, p. 14.

He allowed the gentleman to be right good company, and he did not mistrust but what we'd have a tip-top time of it.--Hoffman, Winter in the West, Let. 33.

This day is a tip-topper, and it's the last we'll see of the kind 'till we get back to America again.--Sam Slick in England, ch. 3.

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