
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.

1) Medicine.--Sherwood's Georgia.

2) Produce; cloth, or almost anything.--Ibid.

They purchased homespun, calico, salt, rum, tobacco, and such other truck as their necessaries called for.--Chronicles of Pineville, p. 40.

The fact is, if the people of Georgia don't take to makin' homespun and sick truck for themselves, and quit their everlastin' fuss about the tariff and free trade, the first they'll know, the best part of their population will be gone to the new States.--Maj. Jones's Travels.

Now they passed down into Punkatees Neck; and in their march they found a large wigwam full of Indian truck, which the soldiers were for loading themselves with.--Church's Indian War, 1716.

"What do the doctors give for the fever and ague?"

"Oh, they give abundance o' truck."--Georgia Scenes, p. 192.

3) A two-wheeled vehicle drawn by a horse, and used for carrying merchandise; a cart.

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