
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


obsolete name for an immigrant, aword which was jocularly changed into Jimmy Grant. The word`immigrant' is as familiar in Australia as `emigrant' inEngland.

1859. H. Kingsley, `Geoffrey Hamlyn,' p. 211:

«`What are these men that we are going to see?' `Why one,'said Lee, is a young Jimmy – – I beg your pardon, sir, anemigrant, the other two are old prisoners.'»

1867. `Cassell's Magazine,' p. 440:

«`I never wanted to leave England,' I have heard an old Vandemonian observe boastfully. `I wasn't like one of these `Jemmy Grants' (cant term for `emigrants'); I could always earn a good living; it was the Government as took and sent me out.»

[The writers probably used the word immigrant, which,not being familiar to the English compositor, was misprinted emigrant. The «old Vandemonian» must certainly havesaid immigrant.]

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