
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris

(generally called ambrit), n.Mineral [from amber + ite, mineral formative, `O.E.D.'], afossil resin found in masses amidst lignite coals in variousparts of New Zealand. Some identify it with the resin of Dammara australis, generally called Kauri gum (q.v.).

1867. F. von Hochstetter, `New Zealand,' p. 79:

«Although originating probably from a coniferous tree relatedto the Kauri pine, it nevertheless has been erroneously takenfor Kauri gum.» – – [Footnote]: «It is sufficiently characterisedto deserve a special name ; but it comes so near to real amber that it deserves the name of Ambrite

[This is the earliest use of the word.]

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