
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris

past part. of verb to assign,to allot. Used as adj. of a convict allotted to asettler as a servant. Colloquially often reduced to «signed.»

1827. `Captain Robinson's Report,' Dec. 23:

«It was a subject of complaint among the settlers, that theirassigned servants could not be known from soldiers, owing totheir dress; which very much assisted the crime of`bush-ranging.'»

1837. J. D. Lang, `New South Wales,' vol. ii. p. 31

«The assigned servant of a respectable Scotch family residingnear Sydney.»

1845. R. Howitt, `Australia,' p. 75:

«Of the first five persons we saw to Van Diemen's Land, fourwere convicts, and perhaps the fifth. These were the assignedservants of the pilot.»

1848. W. Westgarth, `Australia Felix,' p. 324:

«Under the old practice, the convicts, as soon as they arrivedfrom Britain, were assigned among the various applicants. Theservant thus assigned was bound to perform diligently, fromsunrise till sunset, all usual and reasonable labour.»

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