or Boobialla
the aboriginal name for the tree Acacia longifolia, Willd., N.O. Leguminosae, also called Native Willow. Ariver in Tasmania bears the name of Boobyalla, the tree beingplentiful on the coast.
1835. Ross, `Hobart Town Almanack,' p63:
«Acacia sophora. Sophora podded Acacia or Booby-aloe.This species forms a large shrub on the sand-hills of thecoast.»
1843. J. Backhouse, `Narrative of a Visit to the AustralianColonies,' p. 59:
«The sandbanks at the mouth of Macquarie Harbour are coveredwith Boobialla, a species of Acacia, the roots of whichrun far in the sand.»
1855. J. Milligan, `Vocabulary of Dialects of the AboriginalTribes of Tasmania,' `Proceedings of the Royal Society ofTasmania,' vol. iii. p. 238:
«Wattle tree – – seaside. ( Acacia Maritinia) Boobyallah.»
1861. Mrs. Meredith, `Over the Straits,' vol. ii. p. 62:
«Boobyalla bushes lay within the dash of the ceaseless spray.»
1889. J. H. Maiden, `Useful Native Plants,' p. 359:
«Boobyalla . . . an excellent tree for binding coast-sands.»
1894. `Melbourne Museum Catalogue, Economic Woods,' p. 4:
«On the coast it is known by the native name, Boobyalla.»