aboriginal name for the tree Acacia pendula, A. Cunn., N.O. Leguminosae; avariety of Myall, probably from Queensland aboriginalword Booreah, fire. It would be preferred by black orwhite man as firewood over any other timber except giddea (q.v.).
1889. J. H. Maiden, `Useful Native Plants,' p. 363:
«Weeping, or true myall. It is sometimes called bastard gidgeein Western New South Wales. Called boree by aboriginals, andoften boree, or silver-leaf boree, by the colonists of WesternNew South Wales. Nilyah is another New South Wales name.»
1890. Rolf Boldrewood, `Squatter's Dream,' iii. p. 30:
«Myall and boree belts of timbers.»
1893. `The Times,' [Reprint] `Letters from Queensland,' p. 6o:
«The timber, of course, when seen close at hand is strange.Boree and gidyah, coolibah and whitewood, brigelow, mulgah, andmyall are the unfamiliar names by which you learn to recognisethe commonest varieties.»