
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


scientific name given by Vieillotin 1816 to a genus of birds peculiar to New Zealand, from Greek kreadion, a morsel of flesh, dim. of kreas,flesh. Buller says, «from the angle of the mouth on each sidethere hangs a fleshy wattle, or caruncle, shaped like acucumber seed and of a changeable bright yellow colour.» ('Birds of New Zealand,' 1886, vol. i. p. 18.) The Jack-bird (q.v.) and Saddle-back (q.v.) are thetwo species.

1855. Rev. R. Taylor, `Te Ika a Maui,' p. 404:

«Family Sturnidae – – Tieki ( Creadion Carunculatus).This is a beautiful black bird with a chestnut band across theback and wings; it has also a fleshy lappet on either side ofthe head. The tieki is considered a bird of omen: ifone flies on the right side it is a good sign; if on the left,a bad one.»