an old English bird-name for theWater-Wagtail; applied in Australia to Seisura inquieta,Lath., the Restless Fly-catcher (q.v.). Seisurais from Grk. seiein (to shake), and 'oura (atail), being thus equal in meaning to Wagtail. Also called Dishlick, Grinder, and Razor-grinder (q.v.).
1827. Vigors and Horsfield, `Transactions of the LinnaeanSociety,' vol. xv. p. 250:
«This bird is called by the colonists Dishwasher. It is verycurious in its actions. In alighting on the stump of a tree itmakes several semi-circular motions, spreading out its tail,and making a loud noise somewhat like that caused by arazor-grinder when at work.»