
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


to steal cattle by altering thebrands.

1869. E. Carton Booth, `Another England,' p. 138:

«He said there was a `duffing paddock' somewhere on the BrokenRiver, into which nobody but the owner had ever found anentrance, and out of which no cattle had ever found theirway – – at any rate, not to come into their owner'spossession. . . . The man who owned the `duffing paddock'was said to have a knack of altering cattle brands . . .»

1890. Rolf Boldrewood, `Squatter's Dream,' c. xiv. p. 162:

«I knew Redcap when he'd think more of duffing a red heiferthan all the money in the country.»

1891. Rolf Boldrewood, `A Sydneyside Saxon,' p. 95:

«As to the calves I'm a few short myself, as I think thathalf-caste chap of yours must have `duffed.'»

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