scientific name of a genus ofAustralian shrubs, N.O. Leguminosae, commonly known as Poison Bushes (q.v.). The species are – – Gastrolobium bilobum, R. Br. G. callistachys, Meissn. G. calycium, Benth. G. obovatum, Benth. G. oxylobioides, Benth. G. spinosum, Benth. G. trilobum, Benth.
All of which are confined to Western Australia. The species Gastrolobium grandiflorum, F. v. M. (also called Wall-flower), is the only species found out of WesternAustralia, and extends across Central Australia to Queensland.All the species have pretty yellow and purple flowers. Thename is from the Greek gastaer, gastros, the belly,and lobion, dim. of lobos, «the capsule or podof leguminous plants.» (`L. & S.')