or Wild
In Australia, the fruit of the Hop-bush (see above), Dodonaea spp. In Tasmania, Daviesia latifolia,R.Br., N.O. Leguminosae, and called also there Bitter-Leaf.
1889. J. H. Maiden, `Useful Native Plants,' p. 23:
«`Native hops,' on account of the capsules bearing someresemblance to hops, both in appearance and taste. In theearly days of settlement the fruits of these trees wereextensively used, yeast and beer of excellent quality beingprepared from them. They are still so used to a small extent. D. attenuata, A. Cunn., for instance, was largely usedin the Western District. In times of drought cattle and sheepeat them.»
1896. A. B. Paterson, `Man from Snowy River,' p. 7:
«The wild-hop scrub grew thickly, and the hidden ground was full
Of wombat-holes, and any slip was death.»