
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


Maori name for a green Parrakeet.There are two species, Platycercus novae zelandiae,Sparrm., and P. auriceps, Kuhl. See Parrakeet.The word kakariki means literally little parrot, kaka (q.v.) and iki (little), the r isintrusive. It is applied also to a green lizard. In Maori itbecomes later an adjective, meaning `green.'

1855. Rev. R. Taylor, `Te Ika a Maui,' p. 404:

«The Kakariki . . . ( platycercus novae zeal.) is apretty light green parrot with a band of red or yellow over theupper beak and under the throat. This elegant little bird isabout the size of a small thrush.»

1894. `Transactions of the New Zealand Institute,' vol. xxvii.p. 95 [Note]:

«The name Kakarika (indicative of colour) is appliedalike to the green lizard and to the green Parrakeet of ourwoods.»