
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


Maori name for a wingless struthiousbird of New Zealand, the Apteryx (q.v.), so called fromthe note of the bird. The species are – – Large Grey Kiwi (Roa roa, generally shortened to Roa,q.v.) – – Apteryx haastii, Potts.

Little Grey K. – – A. oweni, Gould.

North Island K. – – A. bulleri, Sharpe.

South Island K. (Tokoeka) – – A. australis, Shaw and Nodder.

See Buller, `Birds of New Zealand' (1888), vol. ii. p. 308.

1835. W. Yate, `Account of New Zealand,' p. 58:

«Kiwi – – the most remarkable and curious bird in New Zealand.»

1848. J. Gould, `Birds of Australia,' vol. vi. pl. 2:

« Apteryx Australis, Shaw, Kiwi kiwi.»

[Australis here equals Southern, not Australian.]

1867. F. Hochstetter, `New Zealand,' p. 181:

«The Kiwi, however, is only the last and rather insignificantrepresentative of the family of wingless birds that inhabitedNew Zealand in bygone ages.»

1872. A. Domett, `Ranolf,' p. 232:

«'Twas nothing but that wing-less, tail-less bird,

The kiwi

1882. T. H. Potts, `Out in the Open,' p. 35:

«The fact that one collector alone had killed and disposedof above 2000 specimens of the harmless kiwi.»

1889. Professor Parker, `Catalogue of New Zealand Exhibition,'p. 116:

«The Kiwi, although flightless, has a small but well-formedwing, provided with wing quills.»