
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


name given to a large timbertree, Eugenia smithii, Poir., N.O. Myrtaceae.The bark is rich in tanning. Sometimes called NativeBanana.

1860. G. Bennett, `Gatherings of a Naturalist,' p. 327:

«The Lillypilly-trees, as they are named by the colonists,consist of several species of Acmena, and are all ofelegant growth and dense and handsome foliage.»

1879. Rev. J. E. Tenison-Woods, `Proceedings of the LinnaeanSociety of New South Wales,' p. 134:

« Eugenia Smithii, or Lilli pilli, and MelodorumLeichhardtii are also fair eating. The latter goes by thename of the native banana though it is very different from abanana, and in reality allied to the custard apple.»

1889. J. H. Maiden, `Useful Native Plants,' p. 29:

«`Lilly Pilly.' The fruits are eaten by aboriginals, smallboys, and birds. They are formed in profusion, are acidulousand wholesome. They are white with a purplish tint, and up toone inch in diameter.»

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