
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris

n., pl. Lollies

The Englishword lollipop is always shortened in Australia, and is thecommon word to the exclusion of others, e.g. sweets.Manufacturers of sweetmeats are termed Lolly-makers.

1871. J. J. Simpson, `Recitations,' p. 24:

«Lollies that the children like.»

1874. Garnet Walch, `Head over Heels,' p. 18:

«Common children fancy lollies,

Eat them 'gainst their parents' wills.»

1882. A. J. Boyd, `Old Colonials,' p. 16:

«I thankfully expended the one in bile-producing cakesand lollies.»

1893. `Evening Standard' (Melbourne), Oct. 18, p. 6, col. 2:

«Mr. Patterson (musing over last Saturday's experiences):You're going to raise the price of lollies. I'm a great buyerof them myself. (Laughter.) If you pay the full duty it will,doubtless, be patriotic for me to buy more when I go amongstthe juveniles.»

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