The name is applied to treesbelonging to different natural orders, common in all tropicalregions and chiefly littoral. Species of these, Rhizophoreamucronata, Lamb, and Avicennia officinalis, Linn.,are common in Australia; the latter is also found in New Zealand.
Bruguiera rheedii, of the N.O. Rhizophoreae,is called in Australia Red Mangrove, and the samevernacular name is applied to Heritiera littoralis,Dryand., N.O. Sterculiaceae, the Sundri of Indiaand the Looking-glass Tree of English gardeners.
The name Milky Mangrove is given, in Australia, to Excaecaria agallocha, Linn., N.O. Euphorbiaceae,which further goes by the names of River Poisonous Treeand Blind-your-Eyes – – names alluding to the poisonousjuice of the stem.
The name River Mangrove is applied to AEgicerasmajus, Gaertn., N.O. Myrsineae, which is not endemicin Australia.
In Tasmania, Native Mangrove is another name for the Boobialla (q.v.)