
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris

– (as epithet):

Mountain-Apple-tree – – Angophora lanceolata, Cav., N.O. Myrtaceae.

M. – Ash – – A name applied to various Eucalypts, and to the tree Alphitoniaexcelsa, Reiss.

M. – Beech – – The tree Lomatia longifolia, R. Br., N.0. Proteaceae.

M. – Bloodwood – – The tree Eucalyptus eximia, Schau.

M. – Cypress-pine – – The tree Frenela parlatori, F. v. M., N.0. Coniferae.

M. – Ebony – – See ebony.

M. – Gentian – – The name is applied to the Tasmanian species, Gentianasaxosa, Forst., N.O. Gentianeae.

M. – Gums – – See gum.

M. – Oak – – See oak.

M. – Parrot – – Another name for the Kea (q.v.).

M. – Rocket – – The name is applied to the Tasmanian species Bellendenamontana, R. Br., N.O. Proteaceae.

M. – Tea-tree – – See tea-tree.

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