
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


scientific name for a large genusof shrubs or herbs, N.O. Thymeleaceae. There are overseventy species, all confined to Australia and New Zealand.They bear terminal or axillary clusters of white, rose, oryellow flowers, and being very beautiful plants, are frequentlycultivated in conservatories. A gardener's name for some ofthe species is Rice-flower. Several of the species,especially P. axiflora, F. v. M., yield excellent fibre,and are among the plants called Kurrajong (q.v.);another name is Toughbark. For etymology, seequotation, 1793.

1793. J. E. Smith, `Specimen of Botany of New Holland,'p. 32:

«Gaertner . . . adopted the name of Pimelea fromthe manuscripts of Dr. Solander. It is derived from pimelae, fat, but is rather a pleasantly soundingthan a very apt denomination, unless there may be anythingoily in the recent fruit.»