a Tasmanian Grasstree (q.v.), Richea pandanifolia, Hook., N.O. Liliaceae.
1850. `Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of VanDiemen's Land,' May 8, vol. i. p. 278:
«A section . . . of the stem of the graceful palm-like Richea( Richea pandanifolia), found in the dense forestsbetween Lake St. Clair and Macquarie Harbour, where it attainsthe height of 40 to 50 feet in sheltered positions, – – thevenation, markings, and rich yellow colouring of which weremuch admired.»
1878. Rev. W. W. Spicer, `Handbook of the Plants ofTasmania,' p. 125:
Richea pandanifolia, H. Giant Grass Tree. Peculiar to Tasmania. Dense forests in the interior and SW.»