
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris

name given to the timber of three trees.

1) Acacia glaucescens, Willd., N.O. Leguminosae;called also Brigalow, Mountain Brigalow, and Myall.

2) Dysoxylon fraserianum, Benth., N.O. Meliaceae; called also Pencil Cedar.

3) Eremophila mitchelli, Benth. N.O. Myoporinae;called also Sandalwood.

1838. T. L. Mitchell, `Three Expeditions,' vol. i. p. 203:

«One or two trees of a warmer green, of what they call`rosewood,' I believe gave a fine effect, relieving the sobergreyish green of the pendent acacia.»

1847. L. Leichhardt, `Overland Expedition' p. 4:

«The Rosewood Acacia of Moreton Bay.»

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