
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris

or Silver-fish


a Tasmanian name for Caranx georgianus, Cuv. and Val., family Carangidae, the White or Silver Trevally.See Trevally.

1875. `Spectator' (Melbourne), June 19, 1881:

«Common fish such as . . . garfish, strangers, silvers,and others.»

1880. Mrs. Meredith, `Tasmanian Friends and Foes,' p. 252[Footnote]:

«To convey anything like a correct idea of this extremelybeautiful fish, it should be `laid in' with a ground ofburnished silver, and the delicate tints added. The skin isscaleless, and like satin, embossed all over in little raisedfreckles, and with symmetrical dark lines, resembling theveining of a leaf. In quality they are a good deal likemullet.»

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