
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


Maori name of a New Zealand tree;also called Celery-topped Pine, Phyllocladustrichomanoides, Don., N.O. Coniferae.

1875. T. Laslett, `Timber and Timber Trees,' p. 306:

«The Tanakaha Tree ( Podocarpus asplenifolius) is foundscattered over a large portion of the northern island of NewZealand. . . Height, sixty to eighty feet. . . The wood isclose and straight in the grain. . . It works up well, istough and very strong; so much so that the New Zealanders sayit is the `strong man' among their forest trees.»

1883. J. Hector, `Handbook of New Zealand,' p. 125:

«Tanakaha. A slender, handsome tree, sixty feet high; trunkrarely exceeds three feet in diameter; wood pale,close-grained, and excellent for planks and spars; resistsdecay in moist positions in a remarkable manner.»