
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


(originally Whio-Whio),also Wio

Maori name for the New Zealand Duck, Hymenolaemus malacorhynchus, Gmell., called the Blue-Duck or Mountain Duck of New Zealand.See Duck, Professor Parker's quotation, 1889.The bird has a whistling note. The Maori verb, whio,means to whistle.

1855. Rev. R. Taylor, `Te Ika a Maui,' p. 407:

«Wio ( Hymenolaemus malacorhynchus), the blue duck,is found abundantly in the mountain-streams of the south partof the North Island, and in the Middle Island. It takes itsname from its cry.»

1877. W. Buller, `Transactions of New Zealand Institute,'vol. x. art. xix. p. 199:

«Captain Mair informs me that the wio is plentiful in all themountain-streams in the Uriwera country. When marching with thenative contingent in pursuit of Te Kooti, as many as forty orfifty were sometimes caught in the course of the day, somebeing taken by hand, or knocked over with sticks or stones,so very tame and stupid were they.»

1885. H. Martin, `Transactions of New Zealand Institute,'vol. xviii. art. xxii. p. 113:

« Hymenolaemus malacorhynchus, Whio, Blue Duck.Both Islands.» [From a list of New Zealand birds thatought to be protected.]