
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


another name for the bird calledvariously Silver-Eye, Wax-Eye, Blight-Bird, etc., Zosterops (q.v.).

1848. J. Gould, `Birds of Australia,' vol. iv. pl. 81:

« Zosterops Dorsalis, Vig. and Horsf, Grey-backed Zosterops; White-eye, Colonists of New South Wales.»

1896. `The Australasian,' Nov. 14, p. 461:

«The unique migration on the part of the white-eyes has notbeen satisfactorily accounted for. One authority invents theingenious theory that the original white-eyes went to NewZealand after the memorable `Black Thursday' of Australia in1851.»

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