Four species of the fish of thegenus Sillago are called Whiting in Australia(see quotation). The New Zealand Whiting is Pseudophycis breviusculus, Richards., and the Rock-Whiting of New South Wales is Odaxsemifaciatus, Cuv. and Val., and O. richardsonii,Gunth.; called also Stranger (q.v.). Pseudophycisis a Gadoid, Sillago belongs to the Trachinidae, and Odax to the family Labridae or Wrasses.
1882. Rev. J. E. Tenison-Woods, `Fish of New South Wales,'p. 65:
«The `whitings' are not like those of Europe. There are, inall, four Australian species – – the common sand-whiting (Sillago maculata), abundant on the New South Walescoast; the trumpeter-whiting ( S. bassensis),also abundant here, and the most common species in Brisbane; S. punctata, the whiting of Melbourne, and rare onthis coast; and S. ciliata.»