
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


Four species of the fish of thegenus Sillago are called Whiting in Australia(see quotation). The New Zealand Whiting is Pseudophycis breviusculus, Richards., and the Rock-Whiting of New South Wales is Odaxsemifaciatus, Cuv. and Val., and O. richardsonii,Gunth.; called also Stranger (q.v.). Pseudophycisis a Gadoid, Sillago belongs to the Trachinidae, and Odax to the family Labridae or Wrasses.

1882. Rev. J. E. Tenison-Woods, `Fish of New South Wales,'p. 65:

«The `whitings' are not like those of Europe. There are, inall, four Australian species – – the common sand-whiting (Sillago maculata), abundant on the New South Walescoast; the trumpeter-whiting ( S. bassensis),also abundant here, and the most common species in Brisbane; S. punctata, the whiting of Melbourne, and rare onthis coast; and S. ciliata

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