Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

(Ἀβώνου τεῖχος : Eth. Ἀβωνοτειχείτης : Ineboli), a town on the coast of Paphlagonia with a harbour, memorable as the birthplace of the impostor Alexander, of whom Lucian has left us an amusing account in the treatise bearing his name. ( Dict. of Biogr. vol. 1. p. 123.) According to Lucian ( Alex. § 58), Alexander petitioned the emperor (probably Antoninus Pius) that the name of his native place should be changed from Aboni-Teichos into Ionopolis ; and whether the emperor granted the request or not, we know that the town was called Ionopolis in later times. Not only does this name occur in Marcianus and Hierocles; but on coins of the time of Antoninus and L. Verus we find the legend ΙΩΝΟΠΟΑΙΤΩΝ, as well as ΑΒΩΝΟΤΕΙΧΙΤΩΝ.The modern Ineboliis evidently only a corruption of Ionopolis. (Strab. p. 545; Arrian, Peripl. p. 15; Lucian, Alex., passim; Marcian. Peripl. p. 72; Ptol. 5.4.2; Hierocl. p. 696; Steph. B. s. v. Ἀβώνου τεῖχος. )