
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ACIRIS(Ἄκιρις), a river of Lucania, mentioned both by Pliny and Strabo, as flowing near to Heraclea on the N. side, as the Siris did on the S. It is still called the Acrior Agri, and has a course of above 50 miles, rising in the Apennines near Marsico Nuovo, and flowing into the Gulf of Tarentum, a little to the N. of Policoro, the site of the ancient Heraclea. (Plin. Nat. 3.11. s. 15; Strab. p. 264.) The ACIDIOS of the Itinerary is supposed by Cluverius to be a corruption of this name, but it would appear to be that of a town, rather than a river. (Itin. Ant. p. 104.)