
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ACROREIA(Ἀκρώρεια), the mountainous district of Elis on the borders of Arcadia, in which the rivers Peneius and Ladon take their rise. The inhabitants of the district were called Acrocreii (Ἀκρωρεῖοι), and their towns appear to have been Thraustus, Alium, Opus, and Eupagium. The name is used in opposition to Κοίληor Hollow Elis. Stephanus (s. v.), who is followed by many modern writers, makes Acrocreii a town, and places it in Triphylia; but this error appears to have arisen from confounding the Acrocreii with the Paroreatae in Triphylia. (Diod. 14.17; Xen. Hell. 3.2§ 30, 7.4.14; Leake, Morea, vol. 2. p. 203; Boblaye, Recherches, p. 123.)