
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ADRAMY´TTIUM or ADRAMYTE´UM(Ἀδραμύττιον, Ἀδραμύττειον, Ἀτραμύττειον: Eth. Ἀδραμυττηνός, Adramyttenus: Adramitior Edremit), a town situated at the head of the bay, called from it Adramyttenus, and on the river Caicus, in Mysia, and on the road from the Hellespontus to Pergamum. According to tradition it was founded by Adramys, a brother of Croesus, king of Lydia; but a colony of Athenians is said to have subsequently settled there. (Strab. p. 606.) The place certainly became a Greek town. Thucydides (Thuc. 5.1; 8.108) also mentions a settlement here from Delos, made by the Delians whom the Athenians removed from the island B.C. 422. After the establishment of the dynasty of the kings of Pergamum, it was a seaport of some note; and that it had some shipping, appears from a passage in the Acts of the Apostles (27.2). Under the Romans it was a Conventus Juridicus in the province of Asia, or place to which the inhabitants of the district resorted as the court town. There are no traces of ancient remains.